
Second Quarter

April already! We're into the second quarter of the new year. I was going to do a post about how horrified I am that I haven't blogged for a while (I'm truly kind of shocked) but I decided to just pick myself up from here and move on. It would be pointless to try to capture all that has transpired in the last three months. I have been working, and at school, and trying to keep up with other things. I admit that I could benefit from a little more commitment.

One of my longtime friends is visiting for a week. We met on my first day at a new school over 20 years ago and we've been friends ever since. She lives in Florida now and I see her whenever she visits: an average of once every two years. She has been inviting me to come visit for YEARS now and something always gets in the way. I even went so far as to "promise" I would visit in 2012 and then it just wasn't possible. And now, I've toyed with the idea of joining her on her return trip. But, again, it's really just not a good time for me. I'm hoping that I can spend some of the Summer in Florida but I'm just going to keep that to myself till I know for sure.

I went to the beach two days ago. It was an impromptu trip and we really didn't know we were going to end up at the beach on the other end of the island. I wasn't prepared and didn't have a suit but the water was so perfect for swimming. Still, it was a nice day and must have done something for me. I got back home and slept for about 15 hours - effectively ending the major sleep deficits that had been accumulating nightly for the past week.

After a less than great presentation last evening, I'm devoting this weekend to studying and working on graded assignments. This is what I should have been doing for the past week or two but instead, I have been out at the movies, hanging out at dinner with friends, reading books at the beach.

I'm about to head to the post office where I'll collect some books that I ordered, as well as a laptop for my mom, so I'm going to end this here. But I'll be back soon. By the way, this is my first post from my iPad. I got a bluetooth keyboard and decided I'd like to try it and it's working really well. If the pics post correctly here I might use it more often, and perhaps that will help me blog more regularly.

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