
Christmas Expectations

Christmas means more to me the older I get. But I hardly spend it in some unique Christmassy way. It's now a quiet, but satisfying, day for me. Of course there's extra special stuff going on around me and I am fortunate to live surrounded by family members. My nieces and nephews will most certainly regale me with the show of all their new gifts and toys. We will play games and then have a 'movie party,' which is a marathon of family-friendly movies, complete with snacks. There's special lunch and then we find ourselves continuing to snack through the day.

The older I get the more satisfaction I have in simply seeing people happy with the presents I gave them, or that they received. I especially love to see the little ones and hear them laughing often. This really stood out to me last year. It made me grasp just how much God must enjoy blessing us and seeing us gratefully enjoy His gifts!

This year, I'm also focusing in on how much I have to be thankful for. A new year is so close and by God's grace, here I am yet again. He is still keeping me, working in my life, delivering me, and loving me.

This year, I also can't help but think of the fresh tragedy that will mark this season for so many that have lost their loved ones recently. I cannot fathom the grief. There are many others who are very lonely and it becomes more pronounced at this time of the year. Many hate the day because they are continually disappointed....It's so important to be gentle and gracious with the Grinches and Scrooges we encounter during this season.

Christmas can be a very normal day for me if I want it to be. Nothing is expected of me. I have no entertaining to do, no kids to chase after, and no kitchen to manage (though I will be cooking and baking for my parents that day). But I also know that with conscientious reflection on the important things, and with a grateful heart, it is elevated to something much more memorable.

As I get older I think about what the Holiday is supposed to memorialize more now than ever before: Jesus Christ, God's righteousness revealed. That's the one truth we need to make Christmas meaningful no matter what else we may lack. Think about it. Pray and thank God for it. Sing about it. And Christmas joy is sure to rise up and overflow. It's a wonderful thing to be loved by a great God who would reach out to you with His very best, before you even knew Him. Christmas is about God saying to you and me: 'I want to reconcile you to Myself. I love you, and I want you in My household.' That's pretty amazing.

For Christmas 2012 I have simple, but great expectations :)

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