
10 Things I Love About Christmas

In no particular order...

  1. The air is cool and crisp and Chrismassy (the only time of the year where I am)
  2. Laughing children, lighthearted conversation with family 
  3. Presents and gift-wrapping paper
  4. Movie parties with family
  5. Playing games
  6. Extra-special yummy things to eat
  7. Christmas music 
  8. The reflection and happy nostalgia it evokes
  9. Joy and peace just seem to be easier to hold on to
  10. That I get to belong to Jesus and everything else has new meaning!


It's The Simple Things In Life

It's an 'unwind-relax-and thank God for life and time-off' thing around here. It happens over the summer vacation, at special celebrations, and of course for the major holidays like Christmas. I find a crew of family members hunkered down with me for movie marathons which I have started to refer to as movie parties. People are welcome; snacks and finger foods, almost required. It's so much fun.

I love to step back and observe everyone in my domain just having fun. It's heartwarming to see the kids laughing and having fun, to hear the opinions and exclamations about the movie, to see everyone just spending that time there together. Of course, there are the moments when someone has to shout at someone else about their noise level (we all want to hear what's happening in the movie after all), or someone is plotting about how to get the last snack, or someone 'stole' someone else's seating place. But it's life, and it's family, and it's time together. It's very cool.

We had the first movie party of the holiday season yesterday. It was impromptu and we had no snacks...well one of my sisters had one bag of barbecue chips. But it was great. I just loved having them here, on my couch and upsetting my orderly and neat space for a while. A cleanup and/or straightening out process is always necessary in the aftermath but it's so worth it.

You know, before the semester ended, and before my holiday vacation began, I had been guilt-tripping about my social media visits (which did go on way too long when I should have been studying etcetera). I imagined I would be freely and lengthily catching up with the Twitter and Facebook worlds once the holidays officially began for me. Needless to say, from that time exactly, I have had little desire to spend my time browsing social media. I guess there is just some perspective right now. These precious moments and opportunities aren't there all the time. And they end all too soon. It really is the simple things in life that matter most. Simple things make the most authentic and happy memories. We should never be in a hurry to leave them behind, and never substitute them for anything else.


Christmas Expectations

Christmas means more to me the older I get. But I hardly spend it in some unique Christmassy way. It's now a quiet, but satisfying, day for me. Of course there's extra special stuff going on around me and I am fortunate to live surrounded by family members. My nieces and nephews will most certainly regale me with the show of all their new gifts and toys. We will play games and then have a 'movie party,' which is a marathon of family-friendly movies, complete with snacks. There's special lunch and then we find ourselves continuing to snack through the day.

The older I get the more satisfaction I have in simply seeing people happy with the presents I gave them, or that they received. I especially love to see the little ones and hear them laughing often. This really stood out to me last year. It made me grasp just how much God must enjoy blessing us and seeing us gratefully enjoy His gifts!

This year, I'm also focusing in on how much I have to be thankful for. A new year is so close and by God's grace, here I am yet again. He is still keeping me, working in my life, delivering me, and loving me.

This year, I also can't help but think of the fresh tragedy that will mark this season for so many that have lost their loved ones recently. I cannot fathom the grief. There are many others who are very lonely and it becomes more pronounced at this time of the year. Many hate the day because they are continually disappointed....It's so important to be gentle and gracious with the Grinches and Scrooges we encounter during this season.

Christmas can be a very normal day for me if I want it to be. Nothing is expected of me. I have no entertaining to do, no kids to chase after, and no kitchen to manage (though I will be cooking and baking for my parents that day). But I also know that with conscientious reflection on the important things, and with a grateful heart, it is elevated to something much more memorable.

As I get older I think about what the Holiday is supposed to memorialize more now than ever before: Jesus Christ, God's righteousness revealed. That's the one truth we need to make Christmas meaningful no matter what else we may lack. Think about it. Pray and thank God for it. Sing about it. And Christmas joy is sure to rise up and overflow. It's a wonderful thing to be loved by a great God who would reach out to you with His very best, before you even knew Him. Christmas is about God saying to you and me: 'I want to reconcile you to Myself. I love you, and I want you in My household.' That's pretty amazing.

For Christmas 2012 I have simple, but great expectations :)


A Bit-O-Humor!

Most people assume WWJD is for "What would Jesus do?". But the initials really have been changed to stand for "What would Jesus drive?".

One theory is that Jesus would tool around in an old Plymouth because the Bible says, "God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden in a Fury".

But in Psalm 83, the Almighty clearly owns a Pontiac and a Geo. The passage urges the Jesus to "pursue your enemies with your Tempest and terrify them with your Storm".

Perhaps God favors Dodge pickup trucks, because Moses' ollowers are warned not to go up a mountain "until the Ram's horn sounds a long blast".

Some scholars insist that Jesus drove a Honda but didn't like to talk about it. As proof, they cite a verse in St. John's gospel where Christ tells the crowd, "For I did not speak of my own Accord..."

Meanwhile, Moses rode an old British motorcycle, as evidenced by a Bible passage declaring that "the roar of Moses' Triumph is heard in the hills".

Joshua drove a Triumph sports car with a hole in its muffler: "Joshua's Triumph was heard throughout the land". And, following Jesus' lead, the Apostles car pooled in a Honda... "The Apostles were in one Accord."

{Something funny that I came across a long time ago online. Don't know who came up with this - except that it had to have been a car lover!}

The Breath of Dawn by Kristen Heitzmann

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Book review: The Breath of Dawn by Kristen Heitzmann

This book is a Romantic Suspense novel; it was my first from the author and a very satisfying read. I enjoy good fiction but allocate more of my precious little reading time towards non-fiction. When I have an overall pleasurable experience with a novel that’s always extra-special for me.

In The Breath of Dawn we first meet Morgan Spencer, who is a widower and father of a toddler, and who suffers panic attacks from repressed grief and other effects of the trauma he has experienced. When he meets Quinn Reilly he doesn’t realize right away that she could be more than someone needing ‘help’ - which he’s good at giving. Quinn, who has learned to be alone and self-sufficient, is on the run from a past that has come back into her present and she has to deal with the human and the supernatural element behind that trouble. Still, she maintains a refreshing genuine sweetness and maturity. Their lives become entwined in ways they never could have seen coming.

I think it’s really hard to come across a novel that strikes you as entirely original, especially in genres like this. I could see ‘parts’ of various other novels I’ve read within the past year here, but this was a good read that I did not get bored with it at any point. What made this novel work was the entire like-ability of the (good) characters. They were characterized well and in a somewhat refreshing way - Quinn especially. The plot worked as well: there were no glaring gaps or unanswered questions; the writing was solid and there was actually some heart-pounding suspense (which I don’t really experience in many ‘suspense’ novels). I would also add that the protagonists didn’t do some uncharacteristically stupid thing which happens in many novels so that the conflict is able take place - that always annoys me. Everything here unfolds nicely.

I have long had another Kristen Heitzmann novel in my vast Kindle library and I am definitely more eager to pick it up after reading her work in this one. I’d give it 4 stars in its genre. Many readers will give this a 5 but I would need to have that lingering, ‘can’t stop pondering what I just read’ element to give it a perfect rating.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House in exchange for an honest review only.


20,000 Days And Counting by Robert D. Smith

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Book review: 20,000 Days And Counting by Robert D. Smith

20,000 Days presents breathtakingly simple strategies and concepts that, once applied, will enable readers to be 100% present and intentional with every passing minute of every day, for the rest of their lives….On the 20,000th day of his life, the author sent an email that inspired and reminded a group of people of all ages to live in the moment. This group now includes you. - Excerpt from publisher’s book description

This book is chock full of simple yet truly thought- (and life-) altering principles for becoming a more productive individual in the life we live, with a view towards an eternity that we’ll have no reason to dread. I usually shun self-help and motivational type books but I am glad I read this one. Although not featuring Scripture throughout for the most part, the author shares key Scriptures at the beginning on the wisdom of numbering our days and other similar biblical exhortations. This provides a great foundation for the principles shared. Each chapter is preceded by salient quotations on the topic of Time and Productivity from past voices which were so gripping that I highlighted almost all of them.

Of all the principles shared the one that jumped out at me most was ‘Motivation is a myth.’ The author says:
“Believe me. You cannot motivate people to do any one thing. Even yourself. Never try to motivate yourself or anyone else to increase productivity. Instead, do the opposite: Increase your productivity, then the motivation will follow."

I reflected on my own experiences and could see the truth in this. My attempts at motivation in itself have often been very short-lived to downright failures. However, whenever I did just set my mind to it and accomplish a task, I found I was more likely to feel satisfied and attempt another.
Because I was also intrigued by the author’s calculation of his days lived thus far, I followed the information provided to the author’s website where I was able to input my birth date for a calculation of how many thousands of days I’ve been alive. It really does bring perspective if you will soak it in and be reflective!

The author says that the book was designed to be read in about an hour. I am not a slow reader and I did use just a few minutes at points to re-read key points and reflect on my own experiences, but this took me about 2 hours to finish in one sitting. If the topic is of particular interest to you and you intend to see how these tips can be applied to your own life, I reckon you will also need more than one hour to finish it.

If you struggle with a feeling of purposeless, procrastination, or just a nagging sense of not living up to your full potential despite some achievements, this book would be an asset to you. But reading it won’t be enough; you will also have to choose differently in your everyday life to see changes - Or as another principle in this book states: ‘You only have two choices, yes and no. I recommend 20,000 Days And Counting and give it 5 of 5 stars in its genre.

BookSneeze® provided me with a complimentary e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review only.


Soul's Gate by James L. Rubart

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Book Review: Soul's Gate by James L. Rubart

“Every now and then we get a break from reality. A glimpse into the other world that is more real than the reality we live in 99 percent of our days. The Bible is about a world of demons and angels and great evil and even greater glory.” - From the Publisher’s Description

This book is a contemporary fiction novel that explores themes of spiritual warfare, as well as healing, restoration and freedom. You will encounter a seasoned Christian (Reece Roth) who, as a young believer, was prophetically told of great things that he would accomplish in his life. His immaturity at that time led to a hasty decision that had devastating personal consequences. He still believes the prophecy, but his battle to forgive himself and ward off accusing voices has led to many wilderness years. Finally, the appointed time for the prophecy to come to pass arrives. Fulfillment of the prophecy would hold great victories for he and his friends, but it would also require each one to individually embrace the call to battle for themselves, one another, and others they have yet to meet.

This story was an engaging and suspenseful read for me. It has been a long time since I have read fiction that dared to delve into the supernatural, especially incorporating the realities of demonic opposition against believers to prevent them from becoming all that God would have them to be or accomplish for His own glory. "Soul's Gate" does this wonderfully by keeping the focus on the superior power and ability of the Holy Spirit to aid the believer to battle and overcome. I was especially pleased to read about characters who did not hesitate to call upon the name of Jesus and put faith in the protection that His blood affords. These are themes that many churches do not teach on even in this age where demonic activity is more blatant than ever. There are many leaders either not willing or equipped to equip their flock in this way. However, this book is not a manual for spiritual warfare and does not claim to be such. There are truths interwoven to be sure, but there are equally fantastical and imaginative concepts (such as entering the soul of others).

The plot was developed well and I enjoyed the fast-moving, short chapters. Each character was not developed at the expense of another so there was a sense of balance to what we know about each of them and they were each quickly identifiable upon reading dialogues. Scenes were described well and it was easy for me to imagine the places described.

At times the prose felt a little too stilted and I also came across a few typographical errors such as personal names that were not capitalized. There were no more than five, and they did not detract from the story or annoy, but it would always help to have these corrected.

Overall, this book is book entertaining and challenging. It caused me to ponder the question of whether or not we really believe that all of God's word is true - in the same way that the characters had to. If we do believe, why do we not experience more than the ordinary? It raised the question of whether or not we are ready for battle in our real lives. Are we as vigilant and prayerful as Scripture commands us to be? Or have we gotten used to regarding everything as normal, everyday life, to be dealt with using no more than normal methods and limitations? There is a discussion guide at the end of the book and I think it is a useful 'extra' especially if this is used in a book club.

I would recommend this book and I would definitely explore more from this author. "Soul's Gate" would be a good tool to introduce and launch into more serious discussion of realities of the spiritual realm (and how they converge with our everyday lives) using the Bible itself.

BookSneeze® provided me with a complimentary e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review only.

Cool stats on topical teachings of Jesus in the Gospels

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Teachings of Jesus in the Gospels
Did you know? There are...

- 323 verses on the topic of last days and judgment
- 198 verses on sin and forgiveness
- 123 verses on the kingdom of God
- 52 verses on money and treasure
- 44 verses on marriage and family
- 34 verses on Jesus' death and resurrection
- 25 verses on the deity of Jesus
- 717 verses on spiritual life

— Infographic from the NIV Quick View Bible

I found the above infographic snippet and stats at the NIV Bible’s Facebook Page. This type of additional information interests me and I know a lot of others would think it worth knowing as well. It makes me wonder what kind of other cool stuff is in that Bible. I may have to get one!


Start reading and giving


I am a hopeless book aficionado. That’s why my Kindle library never stops growing and my wooden bookshelf can’t hold many more titles. I am grateful to my father for making sure that my siblings and I had a varied and extensive library when we were younger. As a result I was reading theological works and non-fiction, as well as novels and classic fiction, that was considered way beyond my age from early childhood. In fact, when my father took me to the public library just out of my toddler years, not knowing the library had an age regulation and I was too young, the sympathetic librarian decided to give me an impromptu reading test which I impressed her by breezing through. I was thereafter a regular at the library.

I would wish that I worked at the library, or at least that I could get locked into it after closing hours and have the entire time to read and browse to my heart’s delight. As a college student I did have the opportunity to work at the library one summer. And much to my dismay, actually having to work did not leave time for reading on the job! Nevertheless, the influence of books has definitely had a big impact on my success at school at every level, as well as my general knowledge, and my ability to interact with a wide variety of people and topics of discussion. Encouraging a love for reading quality books is truly one of the greatest gifts you could ever give your child.

On that note, have you heard about the We Give Books initiative? We Give Books is a fantastic resource for parents, teachers, and anyone who loves to read children’s books. They have a free online library of over 150 outstanding children’s books available at www.wegivebooks.org, including well known titles your children are bound to love. The best part is, your reading will directly impact the great work of non-profit organizations around the world! At the time of writing this post, your reading can help bring relief to those affected by Hurricane Sandy which brought wide-scale devastation to Northeastern parts of the US in November 2012. Head over to www.wegivebooks.org to join for Free and find out more about this wonderful initiative. Start reading and giving!

I am publicizing We Give Books on my personal blog at my own initiative, simply because I believe in what they’re doing.




I am really struggling with procrastination right now. I realize that everything I struggle with is ultimately a spiritual matter if it features elements contrary to God’s will, no matter where it starts and how it looks . I started a study on “self-control” from the Bible that really encouraged me and turned on light bulbs: (1) Procrastination is not God’s will for me; it is evidence of low self-discipline and lack of temperance (fruit of the Holy Spirit and characteristics of a ‘spiritual’ believer); and procrastination can dangerously lead to unfruitfulness (2) Procrastination can be conquered; I don’t have to be ruled by anything because of what God has done for me in Christ - a new nature, and the indwelling Holy Spirit, and the living and active Word of God!

I thought I had ‘gotten’ it after those bible study notes, but after a couple days of doing well with my time management, I went askew again. The sting of failure, at what should be so basic, is even worse than if it were something more serious. People struggle with addictions to blatantly harmful things…here I am, not keeping my study-work-leisure time in balance. I truly feel I have some new insight, somehow, into what the no-longer-willing addict goes through. We are really at the same place, needing to walk in freedom and fruitfulness. The weight in the scales is different, the consequences are not equivalent, but there is some similarity in lack of self-control there.

I used to be very, very organized - to the point of rigidity. In my teens I had a self-made study schedule that even allotted a specific time slot for when I would eat, shower, brush my teeth etcetera. It worked for me back then. (Of course, back then I was not distracted by internet, social media, ebooks, smart phones and the plethora of online activities I now find myself caught up in). Today it seems I am a whole other person.

What I’ve realized is that while procrastination is easy to joke about, it really isn’t a laughing matter. I can’t enjoy a lot of good things simply because the time spent procrastinating and dilly-dallying on one or two diversions, when necessary tasks abound, leads to a landslide of panicked and late night work. If I had followed a list of priorities, I would accomplish more - necessary tasks, with time for some diversions; I would feel better and sleep better; I would be practicing and growing in self-discipline and temperance - fruits of the Spirit. I would probably even have more time to be flexible in a healthy way. After all, when I’m trying to get a project done in the eleventh hour, I’m not flexible in the least bit and calamity would occur were certain unforeseen events to take place.

I am not going to give up on me though. And if you’re reading this, feel free to keep me accountable. Pop in and every now and then at any of my social media places and ask me if I accomplished anything on my list of priorities today. I will only be better for it!


I spoke to the mountain


For a period of just over two weeks I suffered the experience of some unknown issue that caused me to cough intermittently throughout the day and the night. I didn’t have a cold and cough bug. I was fine otherwise. But at unexpected times during the day and night I would suddenly feel a terrible tickling, an irritant of some sort in my throat area and begin to cough, even to the point of feeling tired and thirsty. I tried mouthwash, drinking honey, drinking ginger tea, gargling with warm salt water, and turning almost upside down when the coughing fits began. All this in an effort to either kill, flush, melt, or expel whatever the cause was. And all to no effect.

These coughing fits would happen at the most embarrassing moments such as when I was in the middle of a class at school; they would also awaken me at night. If you’ve read my recent post on using melatonin to reset my sleep cycle to get much needed sleep, you have some idea at how this was costing me. I would almost always awaken at night simply to have a coughing spell, then would have difficulty returning to sleep.

I prayed about it quite a bit as the second week came around. I had not thought it was serious until it lasted so long and responded to none of my ‘cures’ and by this time I started wondering whether I should go to a throat specialist. Then one night I was laying in bed hoping to induce sleep as I caught up on reading John Bevere’s book, Relentless which I’d started some time before. That particular night I got to a chapter where he was discussing the need for Christians to use the authority that Christ has given us to speak God’s word and will, and in this way resist and defeat our enemy until we see the victory manifest in the situations that arise against us. He illustrated this wonderfully by relating true life examples (as he wisely tends to do) where the victory was completely won, not just by asking God to take away the problem, but by using the authority already vested in us to declare what Christ has already done and refuse to submit to bondage. It was like a lightbulb went on in my heart. My throat irritant issue might have been ‘small’ but it was lasting much longer than I expected and causing a lot of discomfort, loss of sleep, and public embarrassment. As I pondered what John had written, I realized this lesson was not new to me because I had seen several victories this way by the grace of God, yet on this issue it had not occurred to me at all. Boldness rose up in me and laying there, feeling another coughing fit coming on, I pointed my finger at my throat and spoke to my mountain. The monologue went something like this:

“You cough and whatever you are causing this cough, I refuse to accept you in my body. In the name of Jesus, I command you to be dissolved, be repaired, or whatever is necessary but get out of my body without causing damage or harm of any type. You are not God’s will for me and I take authority over you in Jesus’ name. Go now!”

After saying this, I noticed with excitement that a stillness had come over me and the coughing fit never came on. But after a few minutes, there was the tickling sensation again. I began to sputter. John Bevere had also reminded me of the need to keep standing in my confession of faith and resisting until full manifestation of the victory. Again, I put my hand on my throat and I said, “Oh no you don’t!” I repeated my command to that problem to leave me and told it I would not accept it in my body, that it was not God’s will for me, and that I, together with my body, was God’s property! I continued reading my book and soon fell asleep.

It was not until a full day later or so that it suddenly occurred to me that I had not had a coughing spell since that night! That was about one full week ago and I am still without any cough or throat problem. Praise God!!!

In the authority of Jesus’ name, with faith, I had spoken to my mountain (which happened to be tiny enough to affect my throat, if it was indeed caused by a solid particle; I still don’t know) and had it removed from my body!

Apart from the obvious joy and excitement that I have in recognizing God’s goodness in equipping us for even situations such as these, there was another lesson here for me. We need to stand fast in what God has taught us by continually walking in it, applying it to every situation. Unfortunately, like I needed, sometimes we also have to be reminded of what God has taught us in the past. It’s incredible how, in answer to prayer, God will sometimes lead us to an answer by what another Christian shares. So, keep your life full of fellowship with God, then His people, in all the ways that you can!

“I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." ~ Matthew 17:20


A Man Who Lacked Moral Courage

I have been perusing Christian Classics at ccel.org. I came across a wonderful volume called, ‘Touching Incidents and Remarkable Answers to Prayer’ compiled and published by S.B. Shaw in 1893. In it, Shaw included the following true story as told by D. L. Moody (1837-1899). I thought this account was remarkable and scary all at once, and I believe there’s an important lesson here that you really need to read yourself.

(For those of you who follow both of my blogs, please bear with the post duplication in this instance. There are a few things I’ll post that I may consider important enough to have both categories of subscribers read, although I do intend this particular blog to be of a more random and personal nature.)


A Man Who Lacked Moral Courage

A few years ago I went to close a meeting, and said: “Are there any here who would like to have me remember them in prayer? I would like to have them rise!“ And there was a man rose, and when I saw him stand up, my heart leaped in me with joy. I had been anxious for him a long time. I went to him as soon as the meeting was over, and took him by the hand, and said: “You are coming out for God, are you not?” He said: “ I want to, and have made up my mind to be a Christian; only there is one thing standing in my way.” “What is that?” I asked. “Well,” he replied, “I lack moral courage.” Naming a friend of his, he added: “ If he had been here tonight I should not have risen; I am afraid when he hears I have risen for prayer he will begin to laugh at me, and I won’t have moral courage to stand up for Christ.” I said: “If Christ is what he is rep-resented in the Bible, he is worth standing up for; and if heaven is what we are told it is in the Bible, it is worth living for.” “I lack moral courage,” he answered; and the man was trembling from head to foot. I thought he was just at the very threshold of heaven, and that one step more was going to take him in, and that he world take the step that night. I talked and prayed with him, and the Spirit seemed to be striving mightily with him; but he did not get the light. Night after night he came, and the Spirit strove with him; but just one thing kept him back - he lacked moral courage. At last the Spirit of God—which had striven so mightily with him, seemed to leave him, and there were no more strivings, he left off coming to church, was off among his old companions, and would not meet me in the street; he was ashamed to do so. About six months afterward I got a message from him, and found him on what he thought was his dying bed, he wanted to know if there was hope for him at the eleventh hour. I tried to tell that there was hope for any man that would accept Christ. I prayed for him, and day after day I visited him.

Contrary to all expectations, he began to recover; and when he was convalescent, finding him one day sitting in front of his house, I sat by his side, and said: “You will soon be well enough to come up to the church, and when you are, you will come up; and you are just going to confess Christ boldly, are you not?” “Well,” says he, “I promised God when I was on what I thought to be my dying bed I would serve Him, and I made up my mind to be a Christian; but I am not going to be one just now. Next spring I am going over to Lake Michigan, and I am going to buy a farm and settle down, and then I am going to be a Christian.” I said, “How dare you talk that way! How do you know that you are going to live till next spring? Have you a lease of your life?“ “I was never better than I am now; I am a little weak, but I will soon have my strength. I have a fresh lease of my life, and will be well for a good many years yet,” he answered. I said: “It seems to me you are tempting God;” and I pleaded with him to come out boldly. “No,” he said; “the fact is I have not the courage to face my old companions, and I cannot serve God in Chicago.” I said “If God has not grace enough to keep you in Chicago, He has not in Michigan.” I urged him then and there to surrender his soul and body to the Lord Jesus; but the more I urged him the more irritated he got, till at last he said “Well, you need not trouble yourself any more about my soul; I will attend to that. If I am lost it will be my own fault. I will take the risk.”

I left him, and in about a week I got a message from his wife. Going to the house, I met her at the door weeping. I said: “What is the trouble?” “Oh, sir! I have just had a council of physicians here, and they have all given my husband up to die; they say he cannot live.” I said: “Does he want to see me?” She replied: “No.” “Why did you send?“ “Why,” she said, “I cannot bear to see him die in this terrible state of mind.” “What is his state of mind?” “Why, he says that his damnation is sealed, and he will be in hell in a little while.”

I went into the room, but he turned his head away. I said: “How is it with you?” Not a word; he was as silent as death. I spoke the second time, hut he made no response. I looked him in the face, and called him by name, and said “Will you not tell me how it is with you?” he turned, and fixed that awful, deathly look upon me, and, pointing to the stove, he said: “My heart is as hard as the iron in that stove; it is too late, my damnation is sealed, and I shall be in hell in a little while.” I said: “Don’t talk so; you can be saved now if you will.” He replied: “Don’t mock me I know better.” I talked with him, and quoted promise after promise, but he said not one was for him. “Christ has come knocking at time door of my heart many a time, and the last time he came I promised to let Him in; and when I got well I turned away again, and now I have to perish without Him. ”I talked, but I saw I was doing no good, and so I threw myself on my knees. He said: “You can pray for my wife and children, you need not pray for me; it is a waste of your time, it is too late. ”I tried to pray, but it seemed as if what he said was true - it seemed as if the heavens were brass over me. I rose and took his hand, amid it seemed to me as if I were bidding farewell to a friend that I never was to see again in time or eternity. He lingered till the sun went down. His wife told me that his end was terrible. All that he was heard to say were these fearful words: “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and I am not saved. ”There he lay, and every little while he would take up the awful lamentation: “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and I am not saved.” And just as the sun was sinking behind those western prairies he was going into the arms of death. As he was expiring, his wife noticed that his lips were quivering, he was trying to say something, and she reached over her ear, and all she could hear was “ The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and I am not saved;“ and the angels bore him to the judgment. He lived a Christless life, he died a Christless death, we wrapped him in a Christless shroud, nailed him in a Christless coffin, and bore him to a Christless grave. Oh, how dark! Oh, how sad! I may be speaking to some one today, and the harvest may be passing with you, the summer may be ending. Oh, be wise now, and accept the Lord Jesus Christ l May God’s blessing rest upon us all, and may we meet in glory, is the prayer of my heart!

- D.L. Moody.


The whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one


But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. ~ 1 John 1:7

I am not surprised in the least bit that the Fifty Shades of Grey erotic (read: pornographic) series for women started out as fan fiction by the author, who was a fan of Twilight series (and would even appropriate Twilight characters) for her blog stories. Some of you reading this will just not understand what I am getting at; some of you will.

The Fifty Shades of Grey series by E.L. James has beat the sales of Harry Potter (which was the modern example of a literary revolution appearing in textbooks just a few years ago). According to Business Insider, the demand for these books have boosted sales for all adult/erotic fiction 25% across the board. And some commentators say that the book is now sparking a sexual “revolution” among women which has various implications.

Folks, all satan needs is an entrance. Then one thing will come into your life, then another, then a next…Watch these shifts in the culture, they mean something. Watch the sudden rise to fame of certain people and products, they mean something. Satan is "the god of this world", the “spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience (unbelievers),” and "the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one" says Scripture (2 Cor. 4;4; 1 Jn 5:19; Eph 2:2).

Christian, you need to be discerning. Unbelievers do not have the Spirit of God; they have no choices, only preferences.

Let him who has ears to hear, hear. And walk in the light as He is in the light.

I imagine that some are going to read this and wonder what rock I crawled out from under. A lot are going to ask ‘what's the problem with porn anyway?’ A lot are going to justify this all and say that those books are actually improving their relationships and sex life. What they don't know is how satan operates. How all he needs is an entrance, then their lives are going to malfunction in ways they may never ‘see’ but which will affect them and those connected to them for eternity. I blog this out of great concern having seen firsthand the destructive effects of such influences in the lives of others. I know they cannot see it, but what they are buying into is not 'entertainment' or a 'sexual revolution', but the first steps to spiritual bondages they never dreamed of.




Today at church, in one of those unplanned moments, a brother was asked to share with the congregation his testimony-in-process for healing of what doctors initially diagnosed just about two weeks ago to be a serious brain tumor that was also causing vision loss. He is a young man who attends with his wife and son and quite new to the congregation. He spoke for some time, going into the details of the past week arising out of this sudden condition. Then he said something that really made an impression on me: “I always knew God loved me, but now I really KNOW God loves me, with the way that the members of this church prayed for me, and called to check on me.”

‘Wow,’ I thought. ‘The way Christians were there for him (phone calls with about three persons actually) made that much of an impression? Wow.’

Isn’t it something how he translated this directly back to God’s love for Him? Although we certainly can’t project upon our relationship with God the way that all professing Christians treat us, there’s a lot to be learned from that about the results of actually walking in love towards other believers, especially those young in the faith.

I have a feeling that his statement impacted a lot of others just as much as it did me today.

p.s. By the way, after having the MRI scans and seeing the specialist, they didn’t find any tumors!


Gotta fix the clock in this temple


I have totally messed up my natural sleep cycle with late night reading, studying, and yes I admit, social hopping and hanging out online. Added to the fact that I’ve always believed I was a ‘night person,’ this has led to problems falling asleep over the past few months. Once I’m asleep I sleep soundly but it’s getting there that has been difficult. I corrected my poor sleep habits temporarily (it was fabulous) and then my discipline (I’d set an alarm to alert me when to go to bed) broke down and I found myself back at square one. Now that school is on my menu again, I know that if I don’t fix the problem and maintain good habits I won’t be able to study, focus, or remember things optimally. It even affects my spiritual life because I find myself less tuned in and more easily distracted when I’m in prayer or reading my bible - definitely not good.

Tonight I bought a small bottle of liquid melatonin and I’m expecting good results. If you don’t already know, melatonin supplements are generally safe and non-habit forming aids to bring the body’s melatonin levels up and help the body get ready for sleep. Melatonin is a naturally produced hormone in the pineal gland of the brain that regulates the body’s sleep cycle. Unlike sleeping pills which work to induce sleep, I prefer the fact that the liquid melatonin supplement can act quickly to help my body do its own job. I’ll be sure to share my experience and if you have used something similar, I’d be happy to hear how it’s been working for you!

Hope is the thing with feathers


“Hope is the thing with feathers

That perches in the soul,

And sings the tune without the words,

And never stops at all.” ~ Emily Dickinson

So much of the Christian life is about waiting.

Waiting on God.

Waiting for God.

Having a view of the promise of God, glimpses of things along the way, but having no blueprint about how to get there.

Faith. Yes.

But also Hope. And Love.