


I am really struggling with procrastination right now. I realize that everything I struggle with is ultimately a spiritual matter if it features elements contrary to God’s will, no matter where it starts and how it looks . I started a study on “self-control” from the Bible that really encouraged me and turned on light bulbs: (1) Procrastination is not God’s will for me; it is evidence of low self-discipline and lack of temperance (fruit of the Holy Spirit and characteristics of a ‘spiritual’ believer); and procrastination can dangerously lead to unfruitfulness (2) Procrastination can be conquered; I don’t have to be ruled by anything because of what God has done for me in Christ - a new nature, and the indwelling Holy Spirit, and the living and active Word of God!

I thought I had ‘gotten’ it after those bible study notes, but after a couple days of doing well with my time management, I went askew again. The sting of failure, at what should be so basic, is even worse than if it were something more serious. People struggle with addictions to blatantly harmful things…here I am, not keeping my study-work-leisure time in balance. I truly feel I have some new insight, somehow, into what the no-longer-willing addict goes through. We are really at the same place, needing to walk in freedom and fruitfulness. The weight in the scales is different, the consequences are not equivalent, but there is some similarity in lack of self-control there.

I used to be very, very organized - to the point of rigidity. In my teens I had a self-made study schedule that even allotted a specific time slot for when I would eat, shower, brush my teeth etcetera. It worked for me back then. (Of course, back then I was not distracted by internet, social media, ebooks, smart phones and the plethora of online activities I now find myself caught up in). Today it seems I am a whole other person.

What I’ve realized is that while procrastination is easy to joke about, it really isn’t a laughing matter. I can’t enjoy a lot of good things simply because the time spent procrastinating and dilly-dallying on one or two diversions, when necessary tasks abound, leads to a landslide of panicked and late night work. If I had followed a list of priorities, I would accomplish more - necessary tasks, with time for some diversions; I would feel better and sleep better; I would be practicing and growing in self-discipline and temperance - fruits of the Spirit. I would probably even have more time to be flexible in a healthy way. After all, when I’m trying to get a project done in the eleventh hour, I’m not flexible in the least bit and calamity would occur were certain unforeseen events to take place.

I am not going to give up on me though. And if you’re reading this, feel free to keep me accountable. Pop in and every now and then at any of my social media places and ask me if I accomplished anything on my list of priorities today. I will only be better for it!

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